Yang's Group


Spin Accumulation & Lateral Spin Valve

  Spintronic gradually become an important field in design and fabrication of devices. In conventional electronic we use only charge of electron but in Spintronic we use both charge and spin of electron.

  When a ferromagnetic and a nonmagnetic materials are connected to each other , a voltage will be dropped at the interface and we will have spin polarization in non magnetic material near to the interface. This phenomena is called spin-accumulation. Spin accumulation is extensively used in lateral structure.

  In lateral structure usually non-local measurement is used to measure spin accumulation and spin coherence length. Spin coherence length determines how long a spin can travel without losing its spin information. It is also possible to use spin accumulation for transfer of spin torque to a magnetic layer. Lateral structure is a way to measure different spin properties of materials and by incorporating spin torque transfer we can switch magnetic moment of a magnetic material.


Fig1. TAO Y. et al, NATURE PHYSICS 4, 851 (2008).

Fig2. F. J. Jedema et al, NATURE 416, 716 (2002).