ECE Graduate Student Council (ECE GSC) is a student organization to serve the interests of all ECE postgraduate students (including PhD, MEng and MSc students). It strives to achieve the following mission:

  • To develop programs and foster relationships to provide tangible value to postgraduate students in ECE department
  • To engage, enrich and empower the learning experience of ECE postgraduate students

The new ECE GSC management committee was established in Sep. 2020 by five Ph. D. students with support from the ECE Department. The 2020-21 GSC executive committee was formed shortly after that. The new GSC has been running since then and made its first memeber meeting. In Feb. 2021, GSC will make its debut at the 2nd ECE-GSC microwave & RFID Symposium. ECE GSC aspires to develop and execute initiatives / events that comply with its mission statement. All ECE postgraduates are welcome to contribute their ideas and efforts.

FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/nusecegsc

Email: nusecegsc@gmail.com