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Dear Students,

I hope that all of you have done well in the final exams. Before you dive into and enjoy your summer break (hence ignore incoming emails at school email box), I would like to invite you to attend the 1st ECE Graduate Student Symposium on 12 – 13 May 2011 at the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore. The main venue will be LT6, while all the technical talks will be at seminar rooms at E3 6th floor.

This Symposium will cover recent research works and progress from all research groups in the ECE Department. These works reflect the students' efforts in the state-of-the-art R & D. This symposium also features a keynote speech by Dr. Lim Khiang Wee, Executive Director, ASTAR Graduate Academy which will highlight the research opportunities in the Singapore landscape.

This would be a good venue to get you updated with the recent research progress in the ECE Department. You will also find this a good networking event, as you interact with the speakers, your professors and your fellow students. Towards the EE5999 Graduate Seminars or EE6999 Doctoral Seminars module, you can claim two seminars attended for each session you attend at the Symposium (Applicable to MEngg and PhD students only).

If you have read this far and get interested, please kindly register here to attend the Symposium. Registration is free and is limited on a first-register-first-serve basis.

Successful participants who are presenting their work in this symposium, are NOT required to register here.