Bharadwaj Veeravalli


Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Senior Member, IEEE & IEEE-CS, received the BSc degree in physics, from Madurai-Kamaraj University, India, in 1987, the Master's degree in Electrical Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bangalore, India in 1991, and the PhD degree from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1994. He received gold medals for his bachelor degree overall performance and for an outstanding PhD thesis (IISc, Bangalore India) in the years 1987 and 1994, respectively. He is currently with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Communications and Information Engineering (CIE) division, at The National University of Singapore, Singapore, as a tenured Associate Professor. His main stream research interests include cloud/grid/cluster computing(big data processing, analytics and resource allocation), scheduling in parallel and distributed systems, Cybersecurity, and multimedia computing. He is one of the earliest researchers in the field of Divisible Load Theory (DLT). He is currently serving the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems as an Associate Editor. He is a senior member of the IEEE and the IEEE-CS. He can be contacted via:


Current Projects

[Cyber-Security] - PI, Faculty of Engg, NUS, 150K, 03/2016 – 3 years; Security-aware Data Placement for Large-Scale Cloud DC Storage


Awards & Achievements:

• Visiting Fellow, School of Computer Science & Informatics, Cardiff University, UK, September, 2016; • Visiting Fellow, Viterbi School of Engineering, Dept of EE-Systems, USC, LA, USA, 2008; • Visiting Professor, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, June 2007 – June 2009 • Teaching Award: In October 2002, Certificate of Commendation for Teaching Performance, by the Faculty of Engineering, NUS Singapore, was awarded. Within the Department of ECE, the top 15% (with a total count of about 100 teaching staff) would qualify for this award. • [April 2003 – May 2005] Participated on a Grid Computing Project with Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL) Upton NY, USA and SUNY Stony Brook, USA, April 2003. • Awarded the S.Choudhury Gold Medal for an outstanding PhD thesis for the year 1994-1995 by the Faculty of Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. • Awarded Gold Medal for an outstanding performance in Bachelor's degree in the year 1987.


Employment History

• January 2005 onwards: Associate Professor (Tenured) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Division, in the National University of Singapore, Singapore. • April 1998 to December 2004 Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering Division, in the National University of Singapore, Singapore. • November 1997 to March 1998 Employed with Voice and Data Communications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Member -Technical Staff • December 1996 to October 1997 Employed in CAE Electronics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in Systems Architecture Group, Member of the Technical group • December 1994 to November 1996 Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec ,Canada • August 1991 - December 1991 Senior Software Engineer, Future Software Pvt. Ltd., Madras, India.


Invited Talks / Seminars / Panel Member

Keynote Speaker, PIAMSE, Bali, Indonesia, September 2015 - On some practically useful insights into establishing a Green Data Centre Panelist on R&D Working Group Discussions, Cloud Asia, 2015, Singapore - HPC on Cloud Architectures Panelist on R&D Working Group Discussions, Cloud Asia, 2014, Singapore - Complex Systems Computing – On Cloud Computing suitability Keynote Speaker, The Sixth High-Performance Computing Workshop, Institute of Mathematical Research, UPM, Malaysia, October 2010 Large-Scale Data Intensive Computing on Network of Processors: Divisible Load Paradigm Approach Keynote Speaker, The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theory & Applications (BIC-TA), September 2010, Changsha, PR China Handling Biological Workloads: Network-Based Computing & High-Performance Solutions for Bio-Inspired Systems Invited Visit to Department of Computing, HK Polytechnic University, HK China, HiPC, May 13-17, 2009; Energy Minimization – Scheduling in Embedded systems Panelist on R&D Working Group Discussions, Grid Asia, 2009, Singapore What should Singapore focus in Cloud Computing R&D? High-Performance Computing Lecture Series, 2007 College of Computing, Computational Science & Engineering, Georgia Tech, USA - Handling Large-Scale Biological Workloads on Networked Computing Systems – Potential for Divisible Load Paradigm Visiting Professor, School of Computer Science & Technology, Huozhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, 2007 - On the Design of Distributed Object Placement and Load Balancing Strategies in Large-Scale Networked Multimedia Storage Systems SEECS Colloquium, 2002, University of Central Florida, USA - Handling Large-Scale Data on Networked Systems


Recent Past Completed Projects

[Cloud Computing / Health Analytics / Data Mining] - Co-PI, NRF, 1.35 Million, 06/12- 5 years; Self-Powered Body Area Networks for Disease Management and Prevention-Oriented Healthcare [FPGA Hardware] - PI, Faculty of Engg, NUS, 160K, 03/2014 - 3 years; Development of Real-Time FPGA-Based BCI Applications / High-speed brain data processing algorithms and hardware realizations [Cloud Computing] - PI, A*STAR, 640K, 06/11 – 06/14; Towards Designing Flexible, Cost-Effective and Secured Service Provisioning Strategies for Heterogeneous Data Centers in a Cloud-of-Clouds Infrastructure [Cloud Computing (Uber Cloud Expt 2013)] - PI, IDA, Singapore, 1Million, 2012-2014; Weather Research Forecast (WRF) Characterization - HPC on Clouds hypothesis testing; Big-Data Processing


Professional Activities:

(A) International Activities • Senior Member, IEEE, Senior Member, IEEE Computer Society • Current Activities: Associate Editor position with: IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems (March 2018 - till date); • Past Activities: Associate Editor position with: IEEE Transactions on Computers, From January 2014 till Dec 2015 (2nd round); IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, From January 2013-2017; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, since April 2003-2007; Cluster Computing - The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, USA, since August 2007-2010; IEEE Transactions on Computers, From September 2005 till December 2010; Associate Editor position with Multimedia Tools & Applications (MTAP), Springer-Verlag, USA; Honorary Position - Associate Editor position with Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence (JUCT), since March 2007; Associate Editor position with International Journal of Computers and Applications, ACTA Press, USA [March 2001 till June 2009]; Served upon invitation, the Editorial Board for Springer in its Book Series of Encyclopedia of Multimedia (2008-2009); • Refereed in the following International Journals and Conferences: IEEE Transactions on Computers; IEEE TPDS; IEEE TAES; IEEE TC, ACM/Springer-Verlag Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Kluwer academic; Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier; IEEE Transactions on SMC-C, International Journal of Computers and Applications. • Chair/Program/Organizing committee member (Recent past): Year 2015: Supercomputing Frontiers, March 17-20, 2015, Scientific Program Committee Member; Year 2014: IEEE UCC 2014, Member Steering Committee, Supercomputing Frontiers, March 17-20, 2015, Scientific Program Committee Member; IEEE NAS 2014 (China), under Storage Track; Year 2013 - General Chair for International Conference on Cloud Research & Innovation (ICCRI) held in Conjunction with Cloud Asia 2013; Steering committee member IEEE UCC 2013; Year 2012 – General Chair, IEEE ICON 2012; Steering committee member IEEE UCC 2012; Year 2011 – General Chair, IEEE ICON, 2011, Singapore, Steering committee member IEEE UCC 2011, Australia; (B) Local (Singapore) Activities: • Technical Advisor/Consultant for Graymatics, Inc., CA, USA; Serving as a HPC architect for Multi-core processing and Cloud Computing, 2012-2016; • Technical Consultant for the project "Research on Architecture and Development Methodology for Next-Generation Distributed Systems", National Natural Science Foundation (P.R.China), 2004-2008;

My Publications

Books / Monographs                                    
[2018] Anup K Das, Akash Kumar, Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Francky Cathoor, “Reliable and Energy Efficient Streaming Multiprocessor Systems”, Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3319693736, 1st ed. 2018 edition (January 4, 2018)

[2005] Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Gerassimos Barlas, "Distributed Multimedia Retrieval Strategies for Large Scale Networked Systems", Multimedia Systems and Applications Series, Springer CS Publishers, 2005 

[2003] Wujuan Lin and Bharadwaj Veeravalli, "Object Management in Distributed Database Systems for Stationary and Mobile Computing Environments: A Competitive Approach, Network Theory and Applications (NETA) Series, Vol. 12, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 2003

[1996] Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Debasish Ghose, Venkataraman Mani, and Thomas G. Robertazzi, "Scheduling Divisible Loads in Parallel and Distributed Systems", IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Almitos, California, 1996.

Recent Book Chapters
[Invited Book Chapter 2017] Wang Xiaoli and Bharadwaj Veervalli,“ A Genetic Algorithm based Efficient Load Distribution Strategy for Handling Large-Scale Workloads on Sustainable Computing Systems”, In Studies in Computational Intelligence  (Vol. 705, pp. 7-31). (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53153-3)

Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Chacko D John and, Duy Ngo Hoa,“ Online Patient-Oriented Anomaly Detection in Streaming ECG Data using Wearable Healthcare Devices”, In Press, 2017. 

Lingfang Zeng, Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Xiaorong Li, “On the Design of a Budget-Conscious Scheduler for Scheduling many Task Workflow Applications in Clouds”, In Press, John Wiley, (Edited), 2012.

Journals (Sample recent publications) 

Seungmin Kang, Bharadwaj V, Khin Mi Mi Aung, “Dynamic scheduling strategy with efficient node availability prediction for handling divisible loads in multi-cloud systems”, Journal of Parallel Distrib. Computing (JPDC)”, 113: 1-16, 2018.
Prasan Kumar Sahoo, Chinmaya Kumar Dehury, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: LVRM: On the Design of Efficient Link Based Virtual Resource Management Algorithm for Cloud Platforms. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Systems 29(4): 887-900 (2018)

Wang Xiaoli and Bharadwaj Veeravalli, “Performance Characterization on Handling Large-scale Partitionable Workloads on Heterogeneous Networked Compute Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Accepted for publication, 2017.

Menglan Hu, Jun Luo, Yang Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli,”Adaptive Scheduling of Task Graphs with Dynamic Resilience”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66(1): 17-23, 2017.

Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Kashif Bilal, Samee U. Khan, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Keqin Li, Albert Y. Zomaya,’Modeling and Analysis of the Thermal Properties Exhibited by Cyberphysical Data Centers”. IEEE Systems Journal 11(1): 163-172, 2017.

Anup Das, Akash Kumar, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Reliability and Energy-Aware Mapping and Scheduling of Multimedia Applications on Multiprocessor Systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems, 27(3): 869-884 (2016).

Kai Han, Chi Zhang, Jun Luo, Menglan Hu, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Truthful Scheduling Mechanisms for Powering Mobile Crowdsensing”, IEEE Transactions on Computersb>, 65(1): 294-307 (2016)

Zeng Zeng, Tram Truong Huu, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Chen-Khong Tham: Operational cost-aware resource provisioning for continuous write applications in cloud-of-clouds. Cluster Computingb>, 19(2): 601-614 (2016).

Menglan Hu, Jun Luo, Yang Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli: Scheduling periodic task graphs for safety-critical time-triggered avionic systems. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systemsb>, 51(3): 2294-2304 (2015)

Lingfang Zeng, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Xiaorong Li: SABA: A security-aware and budget-aware workflow scheduling strategy in clouds. Journal of Parallel Distrib. Computing (JPDC)b>, 75: 141-151 (2015)

Kenli Li, Xiaoyong Tang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Keqin Li: Scheduling Precedence Constrained Stochastic Tasks on Heterogeneous Cluster Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computersb> 64(1): 191-204 (2015) 

Conferences (Sample recent publications) 
Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Tuan D. A. Nguyen, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Akash Kumar: Lifetime-aware design methodology for dynamic partially reconfigurable systems. ASP-DAC 2018: 393-398

Siva Satyendra Sahoo, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Akash Kumar: CLRFrame: An Analysis Framework for Designing Cross-Layer Reliability in Embedded Systems. VLSI Design 2018: 307-312
For a more-or-less complete list click HERE: 
Guest Editing
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Economics and Market Mechanisms for Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2014.

Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Cloud of Clouds: Technology Trends, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2013

My Patents

Current Projects

Recent Past Projects


· [Graduate Level] EE5902 Multiprocessor systems (August-December) · [Graduate Level] EE5903 Real-Time Systems (January-April) · [Undergraduate Level] IT1007 Introduction to Programming using Python & C (August-December)

Research Scholars (PhD/MEng)

PhD/MEng Scholars Ongoing: Siva S Sahoo, Reliability & Fault-tolerant Computing, (PhD) Ahmad, Fully-Homomorphic Encryption, Cybersecurity, (PhD) Eda Koksal, Urban Transportation Analytics, (PhD) Nguyen Thao Ng, Neuromorphic Computing, (PhD) Jestine Paul, Blockchain/Security, (MEng) PhD Completed (2017-2012): Dr. Seungmin Kang, 2017, Cloud Storage Security Dr. Hang Yu, 2015, Embedded computing Dr. Anup K Das, 2015, Scheduling and resource optimizations Dr. Syed Rizwan, 2014, Scheduling and fault-tolerant computing Dr. Ganesh Iyer, 2013, Cloud Resource Provisioning & Pricing Dr. Goh Lee Kee,2013, Energy-aware Scheduling Dr. SPT Krishnan, 2012, High-Performance Computing (Bioinformatics) Dr. Hu Menglan, 2012, Divisible Load Scheduling on networked systems Dr. Yu Heng, 2012, Embedded Scheduling


Research Interest

Cloud / Grid / Cluster / Parallel & Distributed Computing • Large-scale data processing on networked compute systems, scheduling, resource allocation, Pricing, load sharing & balancing High-Performance Computing / Data Analytics (Health care, Urban transportation) / Deep Learning • Designing High Performance PDC algorithms - Scheduling/Load balancing/Divisible load scheduling; Mapping algorithms that are computationally intensive onto real-life architectures - Parallel algorithms design; • Avascular cell growth simulations using HPC; • Deep Learning - Lung cancer detection, crack detection, Urban transporttion(optimizing travel distance and time using real-life transportation data) • Earlier attempts - Distributed Databases and Online algorithms - Competitive algorithms for Data Replication and Storage - Static/Mobile environments; design of centralized and decentralized algorithms Cybersecurity • Security for Cloud/network-based large-scale storage; • Machine learning based strategies for secured storage • Hardware-based security-aware controller design for autonomous vehicles using machine learning (Spiking NN) on FPGAs Embedded Computing • Designing Energy-and-QoS Aware scheduling algorithms for Distributed Embedded systems and also for heterogeneous many-core multiprocessor systems; Large-Scale DAG Scheduling on Scalable FPGAs, Memory management and allocation for embedded systems; resource management and optimization; • Real-time scheduling algorithms; • Application to Body Area Networks (BANs) - Wearable-sensor driven data acquisition and processing systems; • Battery-Aware Scheduling strategies for Passive Voltage Scaling (PVS) based heterogeneous Multiprocessor Chips; Resource-constrained scheduling algorithms for embedded CPUs; Bioinformatics • Designing high-speed/performance algorithms to support applications that handle data-intensive computations: Bioinformatics - gene/protein sequence synthesis for homology detection/drug manufacturing; • RNA Secondary Structure Predication - Parallel techniques; High performance Multiprocessor solutions - Use of Multi-core chips for bioinformatics applications; • Other Interests: Protein folding Problems, Motif Search; Use of Cluster/Grid computing support; Harnessing network applications for cooperative execution; Genome rearrangement algorithms; gene duplication and shuffling; Large-scale MSA problems-parallel techniques; large-scale phylogenetic trees; Mutation sensitive sequence alignments;