Award and Honors
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society,
- Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Smart
Technologies for Power, Energy and Control, 2021.
- Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Sustainable
Energy and Future Electric Transportation, 2021.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Communications Society, 2021.
- Best Paper Award, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2020.
- Distinguished Speaker, ACM, 2019.
- Teaching Commendation List, NUS Faculty of Engineering, 2019.
- Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 2017.
- Leiv Eiriksson Fellowship, Norway, 2011.
- Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Sydney, Australia,
- Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship, Japan,
- Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
- Individual Contribution Award, WiMAX Forum, 2008.
- RPI School of Engineering
Teaching Award, RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 2004.
- Tan Chin Tuan Fellowship,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2004.
- NSF CAREER Award, 2004.
- Charles M. Close Doctoral
Prize, RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 2001.
- ECSE Departmental Service
Award, RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 2001.
- Founder's Award of
Excellence, RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 2000.
- Master Teaching Assistant,
RPI, Troy, NY, USA, 1999-2001.
- Verifone Fellowship, Indian
Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 1998.
- Merit Scholarship, North
Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India, 1990-1992.