Yang's Group

Prof. Hyunsoo Yang


4/2015 - Present Globalfoundries Chaired Associate Professorship
1/2014 - Present Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore
8/2007 - 12/2013 Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore
4/2007 - 7/2007 Postdoctoral Scholar in the University of California, Riverside (Robert Haddon's group)
3/2004 - 3/2007 Scientist in the IBM-Stanford Spintronic Science and Applications Center (Stuart Parkin's group at the IBM Almaden Research Center).
1/2002 - 3/2004 Research Assistant (James Harris's group) working on long-wavelength photonic devices based on GaAs.
2/2004 Consultant, LG electronics, San Jose, California.
7/2002 - 4/2003 Consultant, Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems, Sunnyvale, California. Design, growth and processing of in-line photo-detectors.
3/1998 - 9/2001 Staff Engineer, C&S Technology Inc., Seoul, Korea. MPEG4 chip design, development of video phone board and system.


4/2006               Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California
                                          Thesis title: Tunneling spectroscopy in junctions 
                                                       with magnetic and superconducting electrodes.
                                          Thesis advisors: Dr. Stuart Parkin, Prof. James Harris                   
4/2003               M.S., Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California
2/1998               B.S., Department of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea


3/2006               American Physical Society (GMAG) Outstanding Dissertation Award for 2006.
11/2005              Fellowship in the conference on magnetism and magnetic materials. 
9/2005               IBM Almaden-Stanford Studentship, IBM Almaden research center, California.
9/2001               Patent Award, C&S Technology Inc., Seoul, Korea.
9/2000               Study abroad scholarship from 'Ministry of Information and Communication'.
2/1998               Graduated with honors, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
9/1995               Five-semester full-Scholarship for distinguished undergraduate students 
                                        from Bonsin Scholarship Foundation, Seoul, Korea.
3/1995               Tuition scholarship, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2/1994               Yu-Dang Prize; Graduated from high school with rank number one, 
                                        Seosuk high school, Kwangju, Korea.


  • Media attention of recent research of spin wave amplification ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
  • Media interview ( 1 )
  • Distinguished Visitors for CSIR workshop ( 1 )

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